Dolphin safe
THE WHY: Destructive overfishing is emptying our oceans and as a global community we MUST find new ways to manage this vital resource. We are challenged by a growing population and a food value chain that accounts for 25-30% of total greenhouse gas emissions. So, do we give up on our efforts to become more responsible… or, can we choose to get better at it?
THE WHAT: PUREST CATCH is our brand and people, product, passion and purpose underpin our mission. We truly believe our credentials exceed all other products available in the 'prepared tuna' markets today. ​
THE HOW: Enabled by sustainably minded investors and retailers, and the artisanal fishermen on the British, South Atlantic territory of St. Helena Island, we are delivering a responsible and socially acceptable purchasing choice - produced only from tuna caught using mandatory pole & line, rod & reel or handline methods [One hook, One line, One fish at a time].
THE WHERE: We begin on the British territory of St. Helena Island in the tropical South Atlantic Ocean, and our first cannery is located here. The island sits within UN FAO-47, is surrounded by a 200 nautical mile radius (172,000 square mile), Category VI, Marine Protected Area (MPA) and Mission Blue Hope Spot, and is managed by the UK's Marine Management Organisation (MMO). The MPA also receives support from the Blue Marine Foundation, but importantly for our operation, the island's fishery has exclusive rights to fish within this exclusive zone.
THE GOOD NEWS: Whilst the wider global tuna industry is challenged to find ways to undo decades of reckless marine ecosystem destruction because of their constant overfishing, the unregulated use of drifting FAD's and the lack of investment into sustainable sourcing methods and technologies - the traditional, mandatory One-by-One method adopted by both the St. Helena Government and its fishery (plus adhering to a science-led quota management with a responsible harvesting strategy including a minimum catch size regulation), is paying dividends...
The island's tuna fishery is buoyant, healthy and thriving, meaning our consumers are assured that they will enjoy sustainably and responsibly sourced, premium quality, prepared tuna products from our special artisanal fishery for generations to come.
We are preserving the right to work fairly and honourably, and will build on the spirit of respecting our purpose, our people, our company and our partners.
A product reflects the heart of its maker, so we will never attempt to please consumers by cutting corners through mass production with/of uncertain quality.
We will always apply all efforts to develop our company into one that assures us of consumers' trust.
Our product is a true reflection of our interpretation of consumer centricity, and we will always maintain a mindset that seeks ways to simplify consumer complexities and confusion.
We must always remain united to make our company one that we are proud to work for, and our business decisions will not be made on merely following the practices of "most other companies".
Our mindset will always be "when we think we're doing enough, the real work begins".
To achieve our goals, our targets must be clearly known and understood, so we will be resolute in our determination to uphold and exceed our values and ambitions, because if we compromise, we won’t make a difference.
To succeed, we will tenaciously persevere in our efforts to uphold our principles and our promises, and we will always wrestle in the 'centre of the ring' to deliver on these, but with communication and a warm-hearted virtue that brings an understanding of our actions and our reasons.
“For too long, we have been far too aggressive about extracting ocean wildlife and not appreciating that there are limits and even points of no return.”
NO MIDDLE MEN: We will have direct ownership (from vessel to can) of every fish processed, ensuring the consumer has IMMUTABLE traceability.
QUALITY: IKEJIME and SHINKEI-JIME practices with strict measures for maintaining a continuous COLD-CHAIN from the moment of catch through to processing, is mandatory. This locks-in freshness and quality thus assuring our consumers that their tuna retains the highest possible content of the all-important, health benefiting, nutritional attributes.
GREEN CANNERY: Tropical locations lend themselves to being ideal for harvesting 'green' energy. With the ambitions to be powered as far as possible by Mother Nature, we are committed to investing in the technologies and innovations to achieve carbon neutrality.
GREENER FISHERY: Already a low-carbon fishery, we are committed to further reducing the carbon footprint of our vessels and ultimately your tuna, and we will work with industry experts and partners to promote and trial all available, affordable solutions.
PLASTIC: Our entire shelf-ready packaging from cover-to-can is plastic-free, paraben-free, FSC accredited and 100% recyclable, and our fishermen are incentivised to remove marine debris and plastics from our ocean. Our ultimate goal is to become an end-to-end, carbon- and plastic-neutral operation.
THE GREEN FISH FAMILY: As the heartbeat and backbone of our operation, our people will have permanent, non-seasonal employment and will all receive fair pay and conditions, be treated fairly and respectfully, and most of all, valued.
We are 100% committed to the UN SDG charter, and from the very outset we are adopting goal nos. 5, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 17.
A mandatory pole & line, rod & reel or handline fishery. A member of IPNLF (the International Pole & Line Foundation) and GTA (Global Tuna Alliance).
100% Dolphin safe
Zero bycatch
No Ecosystem damage
Sustainably and ethically sourced from a pristine, Category VI, Marine Protected Area (MPA) and Mission Blue Hope Spot. Supported by Blue Marine Foundation.
Quota management led by scientific data with a minimum catch size regulation, thus ensuring healthy stock levels and promoting positive ocean biodiversity.
No juvenile catch and all fish are 100% traceable from catch-to-can with transparent packaging that uniquely connects consumers to fishermen.
Artisanal hand-cut, hand-packed and once-cooked, premium grade tuna. Locking in best quality, freshness and important health benefiting natural proteins, minerals and oils.
Link with LOGOS below to discover what they mean to us, and for you.
Our Fishery - St. Helena Island
PUREST CATCH: For more than 400 years, fishing has been a way of life for the people of St. Helena. The artisanal fishermen operate from 20 traditional inshore boats under the umbrella of the St. Helena Commercial Fishermen's Association (SHCFA), and today they fish the same tuna grounds, using the same methods their fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers fished for centuries before them.
A SUSTAINABLE FOOD FUTURE: As a member of the International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF), we guarantee that our tuna will only be harvested using the One hook, One line, One fish at a time (one-by-one) method, because protecting our ocean's biodiversity and the long-term success of our business and our fishery is paramount.
INTERNATIONAL COMPLIANCE: St. Helena Island is also an active member of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT).
OUR FISHERMEN: Many of today's captains are third- or fourth-generation fishermen. As with most small island communities, fishing is a key industry and touches every member of the wider local community. Our fishermen are resolute in their determination to continue to fish using traditional pole & line methods, showcasing their fishery as being the most sustainable.
QUOTA MANAGEMENT: Data and science determines the annual quota allocations, always ensuring the fishery remains a responsibly managed one. Healthy stocks are maintained by prohibiting the landing of juvenile fish and a minimum catch size regulation is in place. As an active member of ICCAT, the St. Helena authorities are committed to effective and long-term quota management and mindful allocation.
TRANSPARENT & TRACEABLE: Catch data is recorded against each boat upon daily landings, giving the consumer complete assurance that their tuna has been harvested responsibly, and guarantees 100% traceability from catch-to-consumer.
"We know that Mother Nature is best at looking after our planet, so we are committed to making sure we continue to support her in every way possible."
Underpinning our philosophy, and as important to us as our credentials for being an ethical, sustainable and responsible business, is our Foundation.
Whether as a consumer, a partner, or simply someone who cares about our oceans, your support is vital to the work The Green Fish Foundation does to fulfil our commitment, and our pledge, to the United Nations SDG charter.
Vision And Purpose:​
To educate tomorrow's young ocean guardians of the importance of caring for our marine ecosystems.
To develop and skill the next generation of Pole & Line fishermen, preserving and protecting traditions and fisheries.
To assist and equip local environmental groups with the tools they need to remove plastics, keeping our coastlines and our ocean clean and pristine.
To support fishermen with the equipment needed to fish more sustainably, to reduce their carbon impact, to collect data, and to monitor their tuna stocks.
To invest in technologies that will help our fishermen to better understand pelagic migration patterns within our Marine Protected Areas.
"As a company, we are going to make every effort to care for our oceans as if we are planning to fish them forever... because we know, when our ocean and the life it supports remain healthy, our fisheries and our futures, for company, for communities and for purpose, will be protected for our children, and our children's children.”
Founder, The Green Fish Company